Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is Grace

I've always understood grace to be everything God is free to do for us. But that's just a definition. On September 13, 2011, our son, Zachery, died. The gut-wrenching, searing, staggering, debilitating pain and grief that threatens to consume me is only stopped by grace. How odd that I thought I understood grace...

Grace is humbling, convicting, soul changing, and it comes in the form of so many faces, cards, letters, visits, gifts, meals, errands run, and comforting words. To say we don't earn or deserve God's infinite grace is just the unfathomable understatement of all time. But when it knocks on your door in the form of the hands and feet of the body of Christ, it is almost a weight too heavy to bear - because it is undeserved, yet so freely given. That's love. That's God. That's grace.

Friends who can't afford it, who are working a job at unGodly hours to make ends meet, who have brought meals and snacks and love and put my family above themselves - that's grace. I'm overwhelmed and trying so hard not to feel guilty for the outpouring of love and care and concern...because I don't deserve it anymore than I deserve Christ's death on the cross in my place. It's grace.

In the midst of the most horrific tragedy I never thought I'd ever face, God is growing me in understanding His grace. Words can never express the thanks and love I feel for those who have blessed us so far and who are already signed up to bless us in the future. Words can never express the love I have for God and His grace which means I didn't say goodbye to Zachery - just see ya later, my sweet boy.

My soul is raw as if I have been flayed alive. Yet, though He slay me, I will trust Him. In the crushing grief and tears that spring up without notice, I cling to His hand as he pulls me back from the edge of darkness and the enveloping reality that Zachery is gone - not lost because we know exactly where he is - just gone - home. And I am going boldy before His throne of grace to ask His rain of blessings on those who have so unselfishly blessed my family.

In all things give thanks. ALL things because His grace is sufficient. I've barked that and talked that and taught that and preached that for years. Now, I am faced with the rubber meeting the road...either I believe it...ALL of it...or I don't. Don't waste a minute; tomorrow may be completely different, and we may be completely changed. But, in the midst of whatever comes, His grace IS sufficient. With His arms to hold me up, I will walk the talk, I will not give up, and I will not allow Satan to steal my joy. Thank you God for your grace gift of Zachery Michael Sinclair and the precious 13 years he lighted our lives and for bringing Him into your arms where we will meet again for eternity.

Safe in Your arms; He is home. Pure, good, holy grace.


  1. So beautifully put my sweet sister! I'm so thankful my family had him for 5 years! Thank you for sharing your boy and trusting me! Love you!

  2. Amen, we'll see you soon Zachery.


  3. Beautifully put. Thank you for allowing us to share in your suffering and learn along with you in this painful journey. We love and cherish your family and friendship!

    Love, Nancy (David and Hannah)

  4. I am undeserving... thankful... blessed... humbled... There are so many things that I thought I understood before, but God continues to grow me and shed new light.

    Grace, what a precious gift from our loving Savior! I am so thankful we do not have to walk this road alone.

    Continuing to pray for you, Michael and your girls. Keep running your race until you are safely home with Zachery.

    Much love,

  5. Beth,
    I have never read a more beautiful letter. What a praise to God for the love and grace He has poured out to you through your suffering. You have touched my heart so deeply. May you continue to be so carried by His grace.
    Blessing and Love,

  6. I dont know you or your baby boy, but your faith is such an inspiration to me. I will be praying for you and your family.
