Today is Zachery Michael's 16th birthday and his 861st day in heaven. In 861 days, God has never failed to send me at least one butterfly to remind me of Zach's eternal address. On the darkest days of which there are many, God sends so many butterflies I almost can't believe it really happens.
We Christian mothers in this awful dead kid club are acutely aware of the importance of putting one's faith alone in Christ alone. Because our hope is in the salvation of the Lord, we know that in the blink of an eye, we will meet Christ face to face and rejoice as we reunite with our children who have gone before us.
As I give thanks for the knowledge that Zachery is at home with the Lord, I ask you to contemplate your own eternity. Do you know Christ? Could you put aside all your preconceived notions, all the bad examples you've ever seen in Christians, all the church hypocrisy you've witnessed, and all your disbelief? Put it all aside for a moment.
If you're not sure about which way to go, read His story. If you don't have a Bible, message me, and I'll find a way to give you one. It is the greatest true story ever told.
Happy birthday, Zach. Enjoy day 861. I love you and will survive the missing of you because I know I'll see you in the blink of an eye. To God be the Glory.
UPDATE: I haven't been able to write since before Thanksgiving because it would've been so dark. This is NOT the blog I started writing today. The original was full of misery, sadness, and the weary heaviness and depression I felt all through the holidays. Before I do a blog, I ask God to give me words when I write, and I only publish when I truly feel in my gut I'm supposed to press "send." Today's blog morphed into the words above over the course of about 3.5 hours, and they surprised me because they are not the words nor the journey I was on in the beginning. I'm glad God got His message in front of mine! PTL
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