Sunday, February 2, 2014

Butterfly Chronicles Volume 86: Isn’t It True for You?

A mom contacted me recently about her child’s depression and suicidal thoughts. Even though you don’t know her, please lift her, her child, and her family in prayer.  Sadly, this isn't the first mom who has contacted me.  However, this time the experience has produced unexpected results. Who can know the mind of God?

As the mom and I have communicated back and forth, the Lord brings His words continually to my mind.  Vehemently and with passion, His words pounded through my fingers.

Convicted by every promise He has poured on the page, I began to understand the gift of this woman, wrapped up by the Lord, Himself, and delivered to me on my own journey of depression and in my own struggle to keep taking one step and day at a time. 

As the Lord filled the blank lines, His words formed my prayers.  His words tumbled with admonition against guilt, with promises that His plan is always for our ultimate good, with reminders to stand still and let God be God, with the reverberations that our God fights for us, with a direct call against the principalities of darkness to release this family in the name of Jesus Christ.

In my deepest gut, in the full space of my soul, God shook me with the power of His absolute truth.  For this mom and child and family, I KNOW THE POWER OF GOD IS AT WORK.  HE IS FOR HER.  HE IS FOR HER CHILD.  HE IS FOR HER FAMILY.  HE IS WORKING ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD BECAUSE THEY LOVE HIM, AND HE WILL BE GLORIFIED IN THE MIDST OF THEIR TEST.

Jolting me like a thunder clap, God’s words slapped me right upside my head with an AHA moment of intense, piercing power.  A gentle voice inside me said, “If you believe all these things are true for her, why can’t you believe they are true for you?”

How does He DO that?  How does God use broken me, who can’t accept His grace, to tell another mother in need about His grace?   How did I tell it with a burning conviction so deep for her that it melted my skin?  I hope someday this other mother realizes how God used her to kick me with His blessing.  If His words are true for her, aren't His words true for me?

God, my God, Your question is branded in my brain, “If you believe all these things are true for her, why can’t you believe they are true for you?”

Today, I do.  Today, I do believe God's words are true for me.  Today, I am swaddled in His arms of grace just like my Zach.


Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ, and He can swaddle you too.